Empowering patient safety.
Anytime, anywhere.

We're proud to partner with EMS professionals like you, rising to the challenge every day and delivering extraordinary care in unpredictable situations.
Learn more about our acute care and monitoring products for EMS professionals:
Microstream™ Capnography Monitoring
McGRATH™ MAC Video Laryngoscope 
Shiley™ Endotracheal Tubes 
Nellcor™ Pulse Oximetry 
Not all capnography sampling lines are alike.
The sampling line. It’s key to obtaining accurate etCO2, respiratory rate, and quality waveforms with capnography. So before you purchase just any etCO2 sampling line, take a moment to compare technologies. And let us show you the Microstream™ technology advantage.
Not all capnography sampling lines are alike.

Resource Highlight: CapnoAcademy

Powered by EMS1, and brought to you by Medtronic.
CapnoAcademy is a free online resource dedicated to training EMS clinicians on using capnography monitoring in the pre-hospital environment. Powered by EMS1, CapnoAcademy includes best practices, field examples, and guides on how EMS clinicians can use capnography monitoring to help improve patient care.

Video laryngoscopy and the EMS provider

Featuring Patrick S. Shay, Sr., RN, CRNA, MSN, PHRN, EMT-P

Understanding capnography waveforms [video series]

Featuring the Medtronic Medical Education team

Capnography in EMS: Learning through case scenarios

Featuring Robbie Murray Jr., NRP, MS

Cost effectiveness of video-laryngoscopy

Featuring Dr. Felipe Urdaneta, MD

Introduction to pulse oximetry

Learn about the history, development, and clinical applications of pulse oximetry.
Explore our product portfolio, and learn how we're partnering for better care.
At Medtronic, we work in collaboration with market-leading partners to reach more patients with quality care. Our technologies are integrated into many of the devices and monitors you utilize each day. To get connected with the right OEM or distributor partner for each of the therapies listed below.
Microstream™ Sampling Lines Portfolio

A comprehensive portfolio of etCO2 sampling lines for intubated and nonintubated patients. Sized to accommodate neonate to adult patients, Microstream™ capnography sampling lines are available in oral/nasal and nasal-only configurations, for long-term and short-term use and with or without oxygen delivery.
Microstream™ Capnography Monitoring

Microstream™ capnography  technology and new Microstream™  Advance Filterlines are available in standalone monitors and in all leading EMS monitor defibrillators. Clinician time and resources are limited, but a patient’s needs are not. Microstream™ enabled capnography monitoring provides an early warning of respiratory compromise,2 offering clinicians the opportunity to provide care sooner and quickly determine how to intervene, reducing risk and saving time, money, and lives. 

McGRATH™ MAC Video Laryngoscope

With the McGRATH™ MAC video laryngoscope, you can be better prepared for the unexpected. By combining confidence with simplicity and convenience, you can be sure your first attempt is your best. The camera at the end of the blade provides continuous visualization while using the familiar MacIntosh direct laryngoscope technique. This means that even the occasional intubator can access the airway reliably.
McGRATH™ MAC X3 blade

Hyperangulated and designed for difficult airways, the McGRATH™ MAC X3 blade helps you address the most challenging intubations. Its acute curvature mirrors the anatomy, promoting correct positioning and optimal tube placement, so you can feel confident in complicated situations.
Nellcor™ Pulse Oximetry

Your fast, sensitive and accurate responses to patient needs are critical. Count on Nellcor™ pulse oximetry to help, with SpO2 measurements that are tied to true arterial oxygen saturation and cardiac-induced pulse — putting you closer to your patients. Plus our customizable Nellcor™ SatSeconds alarm management tool can help reduce clinically insignificant alarms,3 so you can respond confidently to patients most in need.
Shiley™ Endotracheal Tubes  

Shiley™ airway management products have been a trusted brand for more than 40 years, and we are dedicated to providing superior products for optimal value. Explore our expansive endotracheal tube portfolio including evac technology – which may reduce the instance of VAP4 – and the TaperGuard™ cuff – shown to reduce microaspiration by an average of 90% compared to the Shiley™ Hi-Lo cuff.5
1. Based on Internal Report Nellcor (Clark R. Baker). Alarm Performance of the N-595 With Sat-Seconds During Controlled Non-Motion Breathedowns. April 19, 2001. 
2. Maddox RR, Oglesby H, Williams CK, Fields M, Danello S., Continuous respiratory monitoring and a “smart” infusion system improve safety of patient-controlled analgesia in the postoperative period. http://www.ahrq.gov/downloads/pub/advances2/vol4/Advances-Maddox_111.pdf View Abstract 
3. Pozuelo-Carrascosa, D. P., Herráiz-Adillo, N., Alvarez-Bueno, C., Añón, J. M., Martínez-Vizcaíno, V., & Cavero-Redondo, I. (2020). Subglottic secretion drainage for preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia: an overview of systematic reviews and an updated meta-analysis. European Respiratory Review, 29(155), 190107. https://doi.org/10.1183/16000617.0107-2019 
4. Shiley™ TaperGuard™ endotracheal tube and Shiley™ TaperGuard™ Evac endotracheal tube 510(k)#090352 benchtop testing. 
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